
climate change

Sometimes you just have to face the facts, even if they seem rather unpleasant. Most people use the term habitat without realizing that they are...

The best planetary show of the month takes place early in the morning. The two brightest planets in our night sky appear together as a close pair....

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Jan. 18 45 23 .17 Jan. 19 50 26 .00 Jan. 20 38 24 .02* Jan. 21 31 15 .00 Jan. 22 30...

Surfcasters Groups Meets For Awards, New Officers The Martha’s Vineyard Surfcasters Association will hold its annual banquet and awards ceremony...

Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation plans to appoint Adam Moore, a former land superintendent at the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank, as its new executive...


Come springtime, the telltale signs of Vineyard farming activity will begin to reappear. One day, the fields are lifeless, the next, tractors are...
