
climate change

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Dec. 28 40 34 .04 Dec. 29 48 30 .19 Dec. 30 53 29 .00 Dec. 31 40 30 .40 Jan. 1 43 25 .00...


In a clear sign of a cooling real estate market here, revenues at the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank fell in 2007 for the second straight calendar...

About 130 acres of land on the Vineyard was permanently protected from development under new conservation restrictions in 2007, according to state...

As community preservation committees across the Island prepare their recommendations for the coming fiscal year, they report growing interest by...

Late-night revelers will be out on New Year’s Eve celebrating under a Last Quarter Moon. The moon rises in the eastern sky, less than an hour after...

By LYNNE IRONS I like rain and don’t even mind the cold, but this hardened snow/ice/treacherous footing is totally irritating. Never being one to...
