Nothing in the weather world is more annoying than wind.
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Jan. 15 39 25 .00 Jan. 16 47 29 .00 Jan. 17 43 27 .00 Jan. 18 43 38 1.58 Jan. 19 39 30...
The question all the people that are sharing the Baltimore orioles on Lambert’s Cove Road, and now one in Oak Bluffs, are asking is, why are they...
Wilfred J. Caron was a quizzical man. He owned a Christmas tree farm in Old Mystic, Conn., right on U.S. Route 1. His ramshackle house was painted...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Jan. 8 39 23 .00 Jan. 9 32 21 Trace* Jan. 10 27 14 .00 Jan. 11 27 13 .00 Jan. 12 34 23 .00...
If skies are clear, stargazing will be great into next week. Tonight will be moonless; the moon is in the New Moon phase and too close to the sun to...