
climate change

A thin crescent moon appears low in the southwestern sky tonight, after sunset. The moon will be low in twilight. More Vineyarders will see the moon...

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº Dec. 11 45 25 .00 Dec. 12 30 24 .00 Dec. 13 43 32 .00 Dec. 14 53 34 .92 Dec. 15 49 38 .02...

By LYNNE IRONS Trudy Taylor stopped by for a visit. We have common interests in canaries and gardening. We discussed our love for chicken and how...


This is the start of the quiet time for wildlife on the Vineyard. Fall migration is essentially over, with the possible exception of a few hawks that...

Susie Bowman has a cedar situation.  The red cedar trees in the field behind her house are infected, which means that the apple trees in the...

Meteors, also known as shooting stars, sometimes grace our evening sky. They can come from any direction and at any time. Some are brilliant...
