
climate change

Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº March 7 46 28 .00 March 8 54 40 .18 March 9 57 32 1.57 March 10 43 25 .00...

Spring arrives on Thursday at 1:48 a.m. For those who like to keep track of such events, this is an unusually early start for the season and it is...

This tree will give you shakes and shingles. Building materials aside, many of us agree that the Eastern red cedar is a terrific tree. Arthur...


Birds that come to bird feeders change over the seasons. Sure, that sounds obvious, but this point was driven home by recent observations at my...


Prudy Burt sent me this little poem. She said it came on a mug that Heidi Schmidt brought her from England. Let the wealthy and great Roll in...


A few things became quite clear at Wednesday night’s public hearing on the draft environmental impact statement on the Cape Wind project. The...
