What goes around, comes around, for Art Santry, and going around Martha’s Vineyard is in his blood. Mr. Santry was first in class for the 77th annual...

A spokesman for the Massachusetts Municipal Association told a gathering of Island selectmen and town administrators Friday that reform is needed for...

A large white cake sat on a table toward the back of the tent on Saturday afternoon in Ocean Park. On it was a picture of a hand holding a rose, with...

Everyone but the guest of honor donned a colorful tie Saturday evening at the Grange Hall to celebrate the retirement of Vineyard schools...

Twenty-two dreams were auctioned off at this year's Possible Dreams auction, including two vacations in a private home in Galway Bay, Ireland, which...

The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) has taken initial steps to be able to serve alcohol at its planned gambling facility on tribal land, a...


News Briefs

Island golfers came out to Farm Neck last weekend for the 21st annual Children’s Benefit Golf Tournament.

The Red Cross is looking for blood donors, and Vineyarders will have a chance to help the cause at a blood drive on the Island later this month.

The Sense of Wonder Creations spring art show and benefit will be held on Friday and Saturday June 12 and 13 from 1 to 5 p.m.
