Islanders and tourists alike gathered in bars and restaurants to watch the boys in green inch one step closer to their record-setting 18th NBA...

The Agricultural Hall will fill with the sound of forró music and the smell of sweet rice this Sunday for the Island’s first Brazil Fest.

The Trustees of Reservations, which manages the miles of oversand vehicle trails on Chappaquiddick, must go through another layer of review,...

Select board chair Gail Barmakian invited Robert Davis to the board’s Tuesday meeting after Oak Bluffs wasn’t notified about the potential of 41...

The Chilmark Community Center announced its summer programming and staff on Tuesday, with longtime tennis pro Eddie Stahl notably not on the list.

Historian and Wampanoag tribal elder Linda Coombs recently published Colonization and the Wampanoag Story. On Monday, she spoke at Aquinnah town hall...


News Briefs

On June 4, the select board debated potential amendments to town regulations that currently only allow for one rental of affordable housing on every...

The seven member committee consists of Bea Phear, John Rau, Karen Overtoom, Sheila Morris, Doug Ruskin, Cass Lukin and Andy Kaye.

Elizabeth Teresa Robinson and Jaroslav Darien Kral, of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a daughter, Teresa Elizabeth Kral, born on June 2.
