Vineyard housing advocates are urging the state Senate to reinsert the long-sought transfer fee tax to chip away at the Island's housing crisis.

Lambert's Cove Beach will be without lifeguards this summer due to a lack of applicants. Island beach managers say hiring guards has grown difficult...

Oak Bluffs voters Tuesday reaffirmed spending $6.9 million to repair the East Chop bluffs and $26 million for wastewater upgrades.

On Tuesday night, nonprofit leaders from all over the Island gathered to celebrate the Martha’s Vineyard Nonprofit Collaborative’s 20th anniversary,...

The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School committee voted 7-1 Monday to allow the continued development of a new policy preventing nearly all...

Marlin Goodwin, #8, stood on the mound, his Vineyard-purple jersey tucked into gray baseball slacks. Penn Field was quiet. The scoreboard displayed a...


News Briefs

Eversource reported power lines down on County Road at about 8 p.m., causing about 2,400 customers to lose electricity.

The Oak Bluffs select board approved $200,000 for the Southern Tier project and $75,000 for a veterans housing proposal Tuesday. Both saw rising...

The 12-question survey is aimed at getting a better understanding of residents’ thoughts on community issues and services.
