Don’t ask Bob Dutton what he thinks of the latest movies. As managing director of three theatres for the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society, he rarely...
Members of the Martha’s Vineyard Drug Task Force arrested Adam L. Robinson, 35, and his father, David B. Robinson, 59, in Vineyard Haven Wednesday...
Brooke and Lawrence Leahy of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Maeve Piha Leahy, born April 26 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
Incumbent selectman Warren M. Doty was elected again without contest and voters said yes to nonbinding resolutions as Chilmark voters went to the...
Tisbury voters postponed a $1.8 million proposal to bury utilities along Beach Road and approved spending as the annual town meeting concluded.
Hillary Hufft Hogan and Keith Compton Putnam-Delaney were married Oct. 22 at Longue Vue House in New Orleans, La.
The Oak Bluffs school has announced its third quarter honor roll for the 2016-2017 school year.
Nominations are open for the 2017 Creative Living Award.
The Steamship Authority has named Gerard J. Murphy as treasurer/comptroller for the boat line. Mr. Murphy replaces Bob Davis, who will become SSA...