On Dec. 27, father and son Brock Callen will board the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel for a three-week mission mapping seamounts.
Elizangela and Eneias Marcal of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Perolla Marques Marcal, born Dec. 8.
Elizabeth Zeller and Jamie Wallace of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Emma Kate Wallace, born Dec. 8.
Friday marked the the seventh annual Brazilian/American friendship lunch at the regional high school.
Main street Edgartown looked like the height of summer on Saturday, with sidewalks overflowing with bundled-up people for the annual Christmas parade...
Paul Falvey will leave the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank early next month to become president and CEO at the Bank of New Hampshire.
A lovely group of ladies are lounging in the cat room at the animal shelter.
National Alliance on Mental Illness will hold a 12-week educational program beginning Jan. 12.
The following athletes were voted All Stars for the fall sports season by the Eastern Athletic Conference.