On Dec. 27, father and son Brock Callen will board the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel for a three-week mission mapping seamounts.

Elizangela and Eneias Marcal of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Perolla Marques Marcal, born Dec. 8.

Elizabeth Zeller and Jamie Wallace of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Emma Kate Wallace, born Dec. 8.

Friday marked the the seventh annual Brazilian/American friendship lunch at the regional high school.

Main street Edgartown looked like the height of summer on Saturday, with sidewalks overflowing with bundled-up people for the annual Christmas parade...

Paul Falvey will leave the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank early next month to become president and CEO at the Bank of New Hampshire.


News Briefs

A lovely group of ladies are lounging in the cat room at the animal shelter.

National Alliance on Mental Illness will hold a 12-week educational program beginning Jan. 12.

The following athletes were voted All Stars for the fall sports season by the Eastern Athletic Conference.
