Paulo DeOliveira, Edgartown Democrat, candidate for Register of Deeds.

Marc R. Rivers, Oak Bluffs Democrat, candidate for county sheriff.

Robert W. Ogden, West Tisbury Democrat, candidate for county sheriff.

Timothy M. Soverino, Nantucket Democrat, candidate for state representative.

Jessica Lambert, Falmouth Democrat, candidate for state representative.

T. Ewell Hopkins Jr., Oak Bluffs Democrat, candidate for state representative.


News Briefs

On Sept. 11, mezzo-soprano Lia Kahler will host a concert to benefit the winter homeless shelter initiative.

Rev. Burns Stanfield, pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church in South Boston, will lead the Union Chapel congregation in its season finale this Sunday.

This week is busy one at The Yard in Chilmark. On Saturday, Sept. 3, the final DanceTheYard performance takes place at 6:30 p.m.
