Richard Taylor's new book, Martha’s Vineyard: Race, Property, and the Power of Place, traces the story of the African American community on the...

The yearlong resilient communities class at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School focuses on societal resiliency and communal reaction to...

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, will be visiting Martha’s Vineyard on August 20 for a fundraiser in Edgartown.

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank will significantly expand its hilltop Middle Ridge Preserve in Chilmark with the purchase of 19.8 acres off Tea Lane.

John C. Wallace of Edgartown was awarded faculty honors for the spring 2016 semester at Trinity College.

Julia Cooper of Edgartown and Dana Jacobs of Vineyard Haven were recipients of the spring 2016 dean’s award for academic excellence at Colgate...


News Briefs

The Vineyard Montessori School is announcing two new staff members.

The Sargent Gallery hosts an opening reception on July 30 for Three Artists: Loving the Land.

On Monday, Aug. 1, at 7:30 p.m. the Film Center screens the documentary Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures.
