The change is meant to accommodate the harbor’s increasing autumn traffic, said harbor master Emily deBettencourt. 

A strong storm with winds of 50 miles per hour hit the Vineyard Tuesday night, causing erosion, destructive washovers and scattered power outages...

Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School principal Sara Dingledy has called for the regional high school committee to consider the mounting toll of its...

On Saturday, the high school boys swim team won the Cape Cod Classic, a first for the program. The annual tournament features six local competitors...

The select board Monday held a hearing on a new proposed bylaw that would limit private residences to two social events per week exceeding 50 people...

Chilmark officials, farmers and residents continued to debate potential revisions to town agricultural zoning bylaws at a planning board meeting this...


News Briefs

Samuel Trapps, aka Sammy, a young, orange and white male cat, has found his forever home.

The Martha's Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $78,674 for the business week ending on Friday, Jan. 5, 2024.

The following cases were heard in Edgartown district court.
