Mother Nature was a spoil sport on Saturday morning, shining no sun on the solar car races at the Boys & Girls Club. The event involves fifth and...

Michael Cutrer of Vineyard Haven, a member of the class of 2016, has achieved dean’s high honors for the spring 2015 term at Nichols College.

Brianna Buchanan of Vineyard Haven was named to the dean’s list at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Stockbridge School of Agriculture.

The Gay Head Light relocation project continues, with a foundation of concrete blocks slowly rising around a gridwork of steel beams that supports...

Wearing wreaths of flowers in their hair, eight graduates at the Martha's Vineyard Public Charter School celebrated their high school careers Sunday...

The Martha’s Vineyard Sharks opened their season Thursday with a 5-2 win against the North Shore Navigators. Stalwart fans stuck out the nearly three...


News Briefs

The Islanders Talk Benevolent Fund will host a Kale Soup Throwdown on Sunday, April 19, at the P.A. Club in Oak Bluffs. The fund was created for...

Rabbi Caryn Broitman leads the Seder at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center on Saturday, April 4, at 5:15 p.m. The meal signifies the beginning of...

The Tisbury senior center hosts the Vineyard Haven candidate forum at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7.
