Most electrical components have roughly doubled in price since 2020. Those costs, along with equipment shortages, have led to an overall rise in the...

Four researchers and educators traveled to the Vineyard to take part in the event on Nov. 8, organized by MV Signs: Then and Now, a project founded...

The Steamship Authority’s governing board never saw the results of an internal investigation into the M/V Sankaty incident of July 27 until they were...

Island military veterans and active service members marched through the streets of downtown Oak Bluffs Saturday morning for the annual Martha’s...

This year’s state-mandated student census, held annually at the start of October, showed a slight dip in enrollment across nearly all Island schools.

Eighty years ago, while World War II was raging in Europe, the military carved 683 acres out of the state forest on the Vineyard to create the...


News Briefs

We would like to express our thanks to those who made donations on Giving Tuesday.

The following cases were heard in Edgartown district court.

MV Beach Holdings LLC purchased a Black Point Beach lot in Chilmark from Isabelle Lew Trs. and Oyster Nominee Trust for $435,000 on Nov. 20.
