Following a lengthy and well-attended public hearing last week, Tisbury shellfish regulations remain largely unchanged. A minor change in language...

The town historic district commission voted this week to save the existing so-called admiral hat fixtures but replace incandescent bulbs with compact...

With the summer season approaching, the town of Aquinnah is looking to better emergency access to Squibnocket Pond after a recent incident left...

George F. Smith 3rd, a pilot, retired Marine Corps lieutenant colonel and summer resident, was appointed by the Edgartown selectmen Monday to manage...

In track and field, the 800-metre run is a hybrid, a race that is definitely not a dash but can’t quite be considered an endurance event. “It’s kind...

Justine Shemeth DeOliveira and Paulo DeOliveira of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Luiza Shemeth DeOliveira, born on June 7 at the Martha...
