John Neuhoff filed an appeal in Dukes County Superior Court last week, saying the Oak Bluffs select board should not have approved the cell company’s...

Recognized by his brown, leather hat, worn smooth by decades of fishing in salt air on Island shores, Mike Cassidy is an anchor of the Martha’s...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration together awarded the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (...

Jim (Brooksie) Brooks opened his hat store in Oak Bluffs 48 years ago. His sales style is fast paced — filled with motion, enthusiasm and profanity.

As 2023 began, the Tisbury School was a shell of century-old bricks and mortar, stripped of its fixtures and ankle-deep in rubble. This month,...

The Island saw some rain and winds, but only experienced a handful of power outages and canceled ferries Friday night into Saturday.


News Briefs

The proposed changes would extend Ameresco's lease agreement from 20 years to 25 years and raise the total lease payment to the town from $12 million...

Ingridi Souza De Paula and Leandro Moreira De Paula, of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a daughter, Nicole Souza De Paula, born on Sept. 28.

Vineyard health care providers are starting a new course to introduce more people to job opportunities on the Island.
