Emilie Townes recently celebrated her retirement as dean of Vanderbilt University’s Divinity School of with a four-day series of events on the...

The 161st edition of the Agricultural Fair takes place Thursday, August 17 through Sunday, August 20.
 Planning begins in October, when organizers...

With its borrowing limit increased by $50 million in the new state budget, the Steamship Authority now has the financial headroom to add a fourth...

On our summer-centric, tourism fueled Island, we have lost a little something of the traditional, agrarian rhythms of New England.

By the time the eight-week community lunch service ends August 18, it will have served 14,000 lunches. That’s more than in both 2021 and 2022, though...

The owners of Bombay Indian Cuisine in Oak Bluffs made a pitch to the select board Tuesday to elevate their business from regular restaurant to an...


News Briefs

Anne Sullivan and Wesley Doyle, of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a daughter, Cora Kathleen Sullivan-Doyle, born on August 14.

Bella Pereira and Arthur Rocha, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a son, Adam Pereira Rocha, born on August 21.

A cyanobacteria bloom in Squibnocket Pond has rendered its waters unsafe for both humans and animals, according to an advisory made by the Chilmark...
