When Brook Katzen moved to the Vineyard two years ago, it was not with the specific intention to buy a miniature golf course, a year-round restaurant...

The Ocean View restaurant was destroyed in a fire Thursday morning that drew a comprehensive response from Island fire departments.

After a bid came in well over budget for a second time on the Chilmark School HVAC project, selectmen said this week the town will try a fresh tack.

Marking another turning point in the pandemic, Islanders can now shop, dine out and enter most public buildings without masks.

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank added a key waterfront parcel to its holdings this week with the purchase of a 21-acre peninsula on the Edgartown...

As Vineyard runner Zach Utz closes out his senior year, he holds the regional high school record in the mile both indoors and out. Few can challenge...


News Briefs

The Martha's Vineyard Film Festival has announced its 22nd annual festival will take place Wednesday, May 18 through Sunday, May 22.

The Oak Bluffs planning board took final comments Thursday night on the proposed turf field project and will deliberate and potentially vote at a...

It seems that the magic has happened again. Vinny, the young tabby and white cat, has found his new home.
