A minor earthquake rattled Island residents just after 9 a.m. Sunday. The National Earthquake Center initially reported a 4.0 magnitude, but later...

Chilmark selectmen heard updates on town finances Thursday, reviewing recent grants and outstanding Covid-related expenses.

Martha’s Vineyard Hospital reported five new Covid-19 cases on Friday, capping a two week period in which the Island has seen 33 new cases and public...

A revised expansion plan to Edgartown’s boutique Hob Knob Inn caused continued pushback from neighbors at a Martha’s Vineyard Commission public...

Cronig’s Market closed its doors for the weekend at 3 p.m. on Friday and will remain shuttered until Monday morning at 7 a.m. after three employees...

The all-Island committee voted Thursday to authorize a new school-wide testing plan, unanimously backing a draft of the program while deferring the...


News Briefs

Six film festivals are in the works for 2021, including the Martha's Vineyard International Film Festival in September.

Aiming for $500,000, the Martha's Vineyard Sustainable Seafood Collaborative raised $515,000 to bring fish wholesaling back to Menemsha.

A Vineyard Vision fellowship has enabled Martha's Vineyard Community Services to hire a family child care network coordinator.
