It was the fall of 1984 and striped bass were in trouble. Along the East Coast, states were beginning to take action.

On Monday, a small red house on the campus of the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital begins operating as the Peer Recovery Support Center.

On Wednesday afternoon Dukes County commissioners interviewed nine people for the next Vineyard Steamship Authority governor in three and a quarter...

Vineyard Gazette editor Julia Wells, who has chronicled the evolution of Martha’s Vineyard over four decades, has been named to the New England...

Island grocer and entrepreneur Elio Silva has purchased Bobby B’s Seafood & Pizza and Bernie’s Ice Cream, adding the two Main street Vineyard...

Big Fish, opening Feb. 13 at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, is a 21st-century musical inspired by the enduring tradition of heroic journeys.


News Briefs

Lara Fuller and John Forté, of Chilmark, announce the birth of a son

Cathlin Parry Dolan and Patrick Dolan, of Chilmark, announce the birth of a daughter.

Hilary and Brian Wallcox, of West Tisbury, announce the birth of a daughter.
