Raccoons and their babies (called kits) seem to be everywhere, both day and night – climbing trees, wandering under the porches or decks, roaming the...
Well-named species make me happy.
Carpenter bees are coming out of the woodwork.
Every seashell has a story, and we are lucky enough to have a seasoned storyteller in our midst to tell it.
Crane flies are true flies in the family Tipulidae. They have been called mosquito hawks.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this photo may require only about half as many.
On my property, a legacy lives. The living legacy is a small rhododendron.
Mother Nature has put on quite a star show in the last few weeks.
Wisteria is no shrinking violet. This voracious vine is not lacking in size, scent or celebrity.
Buy cough syrup. That is the advice I would give to someone considering using coltsfoot for a respiratory remedy.
Invasive garlic mustard has expanded its range and presence on the Vineyard.
Spring has arrived. We can be certain by the appearance of two petite predictors, both named azures
