It was on March 14, 1903 that President Theodore Roosevelt established the first federal bird reservation, Pelican Island, a five-acre mangrove...
My fascination with the moon started when I was four years old. My mother said would wake up in the middle of the night and say to her, “There is the...
The common cold has plagued humans for a very long time, and it is my turn to feel the virulence of the virus that causes it. In fact, it could be...
Historically, eating snow was common. An early report comes from Roman Emperor Nero (54 – 86AD) who mixed fruit or honey with his snow. Grape pulp...
Asparagus is one food beginning with the letter "a" that has a penchant for passion. Avocados are another amorous “a” known to have aphrodisiac...
The roots of my obsession (and affection) include turnips, parsnips and rutabagas. These ground-growing goodies will provide the last of the local...
This visitor was of the animal variety, specifically a tortoise, but clearly not one native to the Island. In fact, its homeland couldn’t have been...
For bats and other nocturnal animals, nighttime is the nicest time. These animals prefer not to see the light of day, and have adaptations that make...
“Open wide and say ahh!” This is one fish that would be a dentist’s dream. It wasn’t a dentist who found a dead basking shark at Menemsha Beach last...
There are many ways to view the very cold and snowy winter we have been having.
The vegetation on Martha’s Vineyard has changed dramatically over time, yet it has also shown remarkable consistency. How can both of these...
A bottle tree is not something botanical you might find at the Polly Hill Arboretum, or in any of our Island woodlands for that matter.
