This is no longer just a game of cat and mouse. The mouse is in the house, and the cat isn’t earning her keep. While I appreciate my feline’s...
I am looking for a good romp. A romp is a group or pack of otters and in this season of snow and ice, these mammals have left their mark. The...
You never really know your friends from your enemies until the ice breaks, says an Eskimo proverb. I don’t aim to find out.
Time stands still for no man. Unless, of course, the man in question in Daniel Gambis. Daniel has the power to stand time on its head, so to...
Las Vegas is not in my near future or recent past, but I did win big with an auspicious invitation to a special new year’s day dinner. It is not...
This year, the oak trees were nature’s underachievers. Naturalists, landscapers and backyard rakers noticed a lack of acorns this fall. No...
Save This Tree
Ivy is in a league of its own. However, this plant is never really alone. Since it is a parasite, it needs a partner to survive. English ivy,...
Although Jack Frost is nipping at my nose, it is the thought of chestnuts roasting on an open fire that is really getting me in the holiday mood....
I guess that you could say that I am on a roll. If you read last week’s column, you may get the pun. For those that missed it, the article was a...
I hope that everyone was thankful yesterday for friends, family and good food. There is one thing that you may have neglected to give thanks for...
Last week I got an earful. It was not for any wrongdoing on my part; rather, it was an earful of wax (not to be gross) wings. A group or flock of...
It is a killer. Not a lady killer, but a livestock killer. The common names of Kalma angustifolia say it all; sheepkill, lambkill and calfkill....
