First Aid Training The American Red Cross will hold an Adult CPR/AED and First Aid class on May 8 at the YMCA on Martha’s Vineyard at 57 Pequot...
Vineyard BellyDance and Revue will perform on Friday, May 7, at the Katharine Cornell Theatre. The troupe of seven dancers will show a variety...
Breakfast Awaits Next Friday morning is the annual St. Andrew’s Church May breakfast fundraiser, from 7 to 9 a.m. at the parish hall on the...
Look Good, Feel Better The American Cancer Society, Maggie’s Salon and the Breast Cancer Support Group are hosting a free Look Good, Feel Better...
Playhouse Jester Alex the Jester will perform at the Vineyard Playhouse on Saturday, May 1, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tickets are $5 a person. The...
The Vineyard Playhouse will hold open auditions for a new play by MJ Bruder Munafo, My Mom Is Trying To Ruin My Life, based on the book by Kate...
The Oak Bluffs Public Library, in conjunction with the annual celebration of Della Hardman Day on Saturday, July 31, is sponsoring a photography...
Jean Dupon
The enticing aromas of mussels marinière and tilapia dieppoise wafting up Vineyard Haven’s Main street beckoned several dozen customers into Le...
With its water-themed issue on the stands, National Geographic will continue to focus on this most precious resource on Martha’s Vineyard this...
Bill Buckley Art Show Vineyard Views, an art show by Edgartown painter Bill Buckley, opens at the Chilmark Public Library on Saturday, May 1, with...
All donors who give blood at the American Red Cross drive on Tuesday, April 27, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Portuguese American Club on Vineyard...
John stevenson,
Pedalers will move for people whose own motion is compromised when the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s 17th Island biking event, Ride the...
