
I hope you all had a merry Christmas and that you are now thinking about spending some time outside scouting different Vineyard habitats for birds...


Soo Whiting, on her annual southbound migration, asked me to fill in for this week’s Bird News column. While Soo and Flip Harrington are navigating...


Bonaparte’s gulls are some of my favorite birds. These birds, unlike their larger cousins, are a delicate small gull, found in the harbors and...


There has been a fallout of snowy owls on the Vineyard. It all started on Nov. 7 when one was spotted in the Squibnocket area. Now there have been...

wild turkey

Turkeys were in the news quite a bit this summer, and they have been in many stomachs recently. Flocks of live turkeys wander around in Tisbury, West...


The Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), inland waterway, or the Ditch, as it is also known, is an incredible piece of water. It offers the boater, whether...
