
An entertaining e-mail from Bob St. Germain reminded me that it is that time of year again. I must give my annual lecture on the importance of...

mississippi kite

Bert Fischer had a spectacular avian experience on May 29. He was returning on his tractor from doing work in the field when he spotted a kettle of...

Wilsons plover

A rare Wilson’s plover arrived on-Island May 18. It was discovered by Liz Baldwin and Luanne Johnson, the team from Biodiversity Works that is...


The Felix Neck Bird-a-thon was a success! There were four teams; Suzan Bellincampi and the Felix Neck staff, Al Sgroi and crew, Lanny McDowell and...

Upland Sandpiper

‘Tis spring migration and time for the annual Bird-a-thon. What is a Bird-a-thon? It is a fundraiser for Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary that is fun...

rose breasted grosbeak

One would think the birds that return from their winter haunts in the south are mimicking our summer residents. One group of bird species arrives and...
