In this serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home after many years to help her eccentric...
Former CIA lawyer Vicki Divoll will deliver a talk titled Memo to Our New President: How to Fix Eight Years of Damage to U.S. Intelligence on...
Saving the sea from overfishing begins with paying attention to the forage fish. Tomorrow afternoon at 5:30, the author of an important...
On Tuesday, July 29, at 5 p.m. Prof. Renée Bergland as its next speaker in the Martha’s Vineyard Museum’s summer lecture series. Dr. Bergland...
Suffrage Speech Geraldine Brooks, Carol Gilligan, Marcia Randol and Rose Styron on Thursday will read passages from Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s...
Talking Ospreys Rob Bierregaard began researching osprey on Martha’s Vineyard in 1969. Since then, he has been investigating the habits and...
PALACE COUNCIL By Stephen L. Carter. Knopf, New York, N.Y. July 2008. 528 pages. $26.95 hardcover. There are some thrillers — The Big Sleep and...
Library Art Exhibit Marianne Neill will be showing recent gouache paintings and pastels at the Chilmark Free Public Library from Saturday, July 26...
In this serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home after years in Manhattan to help her...
The Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center, in conjunction with the Summer Institute, presents former Vermont Governor and ambassador to Switzerland...
British book artist and teacher Paul Johnson is a pioneer in developing literacy through book arts. He will be offering four classes at Seastone...
Connie Toteanu has a special talent. From the age of seven, Miss Toteanu has been entering pies into the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Fair....
