The Martha’s Vineyard Library Association kicks off its 2008 summer reading program, Wild Reads at Your Library, with a lively performance by Bill...
In this serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home after many years in Manhattan. Her...
The litany of complaints of the squeezed middle class is familiar. Three million jobs gone overseas this decade. People working all their lives...
Finding space in the shade to read, under a tree or a beach umbrella, is really its own reward. But there are even more rewards for kids who join...
A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR LANDLOCKED MERMAIDS by Margot Datz, Beyond Words, $16. Vineyard artist and writer Margot Datz posits a universe where men,...
Buddhist Teaching Khenpo Tsering Samdup will be at the Bodhi Path of Martha’s Vineyard for a weekend teaching series on Saturday and Sunday, June...
MARTHA’S VINEYARD QUIET PLEASURES. By Phyllis Meras with photographs by Betsy Corsiglia. Globe-Pequot Press, Guilford, Conn. 96 pages, $16.95...
A discussion of Lighthouse Stewardship is open to all tonight at 5 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum. The museums’s executive director, Keith...
The Future of Fisheries: Marine Protected Areas, Ecosystem Management, Climate Change and All That is the title of a free talk slated for Thursday...
On Thursday, June 19, Slowfood Martha’s Vineyard will hold its monthly potluck supper from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. This meeting will focus on planning...
WIRED. By Anastasia Suen, illustrated by Paul Carrick. Charlesbridge, $6.95. This book, now out in paperback, is an excellent insight into how...
Floral Design Workshop Creative Flower Arrangements from Your Garden, a five-week floral design workshop, will be held at Vineyard Haven Public...
