Floral Design Workshop Creative Flower Arrangements from Your Garden, a five-week floral design workshop, will be held at Vineyard Haven Public...
Adoption Session Adoption By Choice, a program of Catholic Social Services of Fall River Inc., will hold an information session on Thursday, June...
Fly-Fishing Class A fly-fishing class for beginning and experienced fishermen will be held Saturday, June 21, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the Martha...
Leaving How can I bear to leave this place, take the next boat out into the harbor, pass the buoy, toss a penny into the water for a return...
Kaf Warman, professor in Carnegie Mellon’s School of Drama and associate artistic director of Island Theatre Workshop, will offer her popular adult...
In this serialized novel set on the Vineyard in real time, a native Islander (“Call me Becca”) returns home to the Vineyard after many years in...
SLOOP: Restoring My Family’s Wooden Sailboat, An Adventure in Old-Fashioned Values. By Daniel Robb. Simon & Schuster, New York, N.Y. 2007. 318...
Etiquette Class, Please Certified etiquette teacher Elaine C. Carroll is offering children’s etiquette classes. Her East Coast School of Etiquette...
Nantucket’s rich history of bay scallop fisheries includes both commercial and family scalloping seasons. On Wednesday, guest speaker Dr. Robert...
Friday Conversation William O’Brien, chairman of the Dukes County Charter Study Commission, will speak in the Friday Conversations program at the...
Robert Thorson, professor of geology at the University of Connecticut, will speak on Saturday, June 14 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Polly Hill...
Geology and Scenery Longtime Chilmark summer resident Conrad Neumann will present a free program titled Geology and Scenery on Land and Sea at the...
