Nicole Galland
Author Nicole Galland was tucked up in bed when it came to her all at once: she would write the new Moby Dick.
Chapter One Dear P: Call me Becca! That’s what everyone still calls me, back here on the rock. I love it; makes me feel like a kid again....
Why do some washashores to the Island stay ashore while others drift away? The question had settled in Island author Elaine Pace’s mind for a...
MYSTERY ON THE VINEYARD: Politics, Passion and Scandal on East Chop. The History Press, Charleston S.C. 2008. 160 pages. $19.99 softcover.
Fisheries Discussion The Menemsha Fisheries Development Fund 2008 Lecture Series presents a discussion on the state of the Massachusetts fishing...
Peru: Panoramic Studies Featured in Library Show Artist Valerie Sonnenthal will present a series of photographs taken in Peru’s Sacred Valley in...
Estate Planning Talk An educational presentation on estate planning will be presented by attorney Margot Parrot at 5 p.m. Monday, May 19, at the...
Launch Operator License Course Is Set for June Sail Martha’s Vineyard and Confident Captain-Ocean Pros of Rhode Island will offer a launch...
Fly-Fishing Class A fly-fishing class is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 17 at the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club off Third...
Stream Talk Greg Whitmore, ecologist for The Trustees of Reservations, will give a talk titled In a Vineyard Stream May 18 at the Mary P....
Let’s Talk About Race Moving Beyond Race: The Dialogue Continues is the program on Wednesday, May 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard...
book cover
Remarkable Americans: > The Washburn Family. By Kerck Kelsey. Illustrated. Tilbury House Publishers. 402 pages. $25.95. Since the 1950s, the...
