Spirit of Place Living with the Spirit of Place is the title of a slide show and talk set for Thursday, March 27, at 6 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs...
The Menemsha Fisheries Development Fund presents the award-winning documentary film, Fisheries: Beyond the Crisis, followed by a discussion of...
A four-part, hands-on digital photo restoration class begins next week at the high school. Participants will learn how to digitally restore and...
The Vineyard Haven Library Lecture Series will present a free cooking demonstration, Cooking with Bella: Feijoada the American Way, on Wednesday,...
Food Safety Classes Starting Tuesday, March 25, ServSafe food sanitation classes will be held for anyone who requires the certification to meet...
Sail Martha’s Vineyard, the Island’s community sailing program, will offer beginner through advanced sailing lessons to Island children again this...
Feeling despair about the future of the republic in the hands of Xboxers and the “whatever” generation? Feel better. Get to the West Tisbury...
It’s spring at the FARM Institute already, with activities revolving around new life in the fields, barns and gardens at Katama Farm – caring for...
Six of Martha’s Vineyard’s most loved cultural organizations are pooling their resources and expertise to offer a week of fun, creative learning...
Etiquette Class Manners and etiquette classes for girls and boys ages 5 to 15 begin April 7 at the Mansion House in Vineyard Haven. Registration...
Julie Roads, Vineyard Haven resident and owner of national writing and marketing company Writing Roads, will demonstrate how to drive targeted...
Words and numbers were flying through the minds of those at the Chilmark library this past Saturday afternoon, as 15 adults and 3 youngsters...
