My Cape and Islands tour with my new film, Peter and John, has given me plenty to think about — and an abundance of stories to share.
Seventy years ago Saturday, World War II ended with the surrender of Japan. The other day I said to a middle-aged friend, “Saturday is V-J Day.” She...
I never really relax while underway in a sailboat. I’m constantly looking and listening for new sights and sounds.
Dear Madame First Lady: I am writing today in my present capacity as manager (and past owner) of the Royal and Ancient Chappaquiddick Links.
Jerry Kohlberg was a brilliant man. His incredible intellect never ceased to impress me during the more than 25 years I knew and worked with him.
Runners often end up having a favorite race that they return to each year. For me it’s the Chilmark Road Race 5K on Martha’s Vineyard.
Varian and David Cassat were Presbyterians, but probably not deeply theological Presbyterians
Robert Wesley Jones (at different times Bobby or Bob Jones or B.J.) was born in Boston on July 24, 1929, but within days was on Martha’s Vineyard, at...
I cherish memories of taking my son Alan and daughter Emma out saltwater flyfishing when they were growing up on the Vineyard.
I have found that the romance of sailing is often enjoyed before and after the reality of passage making.
This past May, my wife and I decided to fix up our house on Martha’s Vineyard in order to put it on the market. I came up in May, while my wife Gail...
On a snowy Thursday in early March, as another promising storm descended upon a winter-worn Island, the stage lights at the Martha’s Vineyard...
