And the cry rings out, “A.P. did it!” I think he’d be tickled. It’s an honor bestowed on each and every one of us on our way down to the cemetery. A...
I missed Angela Davis’s description last month of life on Palestine’s West Bank when she was there on behalf of Jewish Voice for Peace. I did,...
Can’t get there from here. Bert and I said it first, but Chappaquiddick truly took the sentiment to heart. Giving (or receiving) directions on Chappy...
Buddhist on beach
Last Friday, pressed for time, I took the evening Cape Air flight to Boston, having enjoyed a few days alone after settling my daughters at their...
The Realized Dream Project is hosting an electronic waste collection on Sunday, Sept. 16, at the cliffs of Aquinnah. The collection will be from 1 to...
And the cry rings out, “A.P. did it!” I think he’d be tickled. It’s an honor bestowed on each and every one of us on our way down to the cemetery. A...
The Food and Drug Administration is now dealing with a suit regarding false and misleading information in a case against Chobani, the Greek yogurt...
people boating
With no car lanes, no stop signs and no one directing traffic on the water, safety among boaters is critically important. And most boat operators are...
I have doubts about my dog’s truthfulness. Or should I say his sincerity? Or maybe both. Rudy (he’s named after the diminutive, underdog Notre Dame...
Last month The Moth landed on Martha’s Vineyard offering a night of stories in Union Chapel. And as Sam Low’s letter to the editor and Paul Karasik’...
Every teacher knows the value of summer. It’s a time when children build shelters on the beach, create grandiose castles, sell lemonade and, as they...
The last of the four children have taken their wives, husbands and darling offspring home off-Island until next summer. It took the usual two days...
