The traditional lighting of the Edgartown Lighthouse took place Friday evening on a windless, starry night. Christmas in Edgartown is absent the...
In a first-of-its-kind collaboration, Brazilian contractors, health agents and translators have begun working together to get the word out about new...
For Islanders wrestling with addiction, isolation and stress brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has made a perennial problem worse.
This year the emphasis for Christmas in Edgartown is still on good cheer but with a healthy does of safety, too.
The lights of Hanukkah will shine by Zoom this year at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center, with a series of virtual candle lighting events for each...
Dukes County Sheriff Robert Ogden traveled to Gillette Stadium this week to pick up donations for Island veterans in need.
Heating assistance benefit levels have been increased, according to an announcement from the South Shore Community Action Council, Inc.
The First Congregational Church of West Tisbury offers remote Advent services Sundays and Wednesdays on Zoom.
From cornhusk dolls to hand-woven sashes, wampum jewelry, dreamcatchers and white buckskin dresses, there’s something for everyone at the Aquinnah...
The two-week deer shotgun season opened on Monday, and the woods were filled with camouflage and bright orange.
Closed since March due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club Second Hand Store will not be reopening at its longtime...
The Dukes County Sheriff’s Office is opening an outdoor locker for Red Stocking donations of new, unwrapped toys.
