With the sale of Viking, a 40-foot fishing boat that has plied the waters off the Vineyard for three generations, the Island’s once-vibrant fleet of...
Despite stormy weather, the bay scallop season is under way and doing well, local officials and fishmongers report. But while fish markets are moving...
Bay scallopers in Chilmark are being asked to concentrate on Nashaquitsa Pond until early next month in order to make the most efficient use of a...
The film is just 23 minutes, 14 seconds long. It’s silent, black and white and there are moments when the images jump around due to the choppiness of...
Tisbury selectmen sent proposed changes to town shellfish regulations back to the drawing board after a public hearing this week. At the selectmen’s...
Acting on the recommendation of the town shellfish committee, the Chilmark selectmen approved opening dates for scallop season Tuesday. Commercial...
The 67th Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby came to an end Sunday afternoon when Adam Cummings and Robert Boyhan walked away with the monthlong event’s...
The 67th annual Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby ended tonight at 10 p.m. with the ringing of bells.
Officials worked to salvage a fishing vessel Thursday morning after it broke mooring and washed ashore on Lobsterville Beach.
As the bay scallop season begins, reports and forecasts are in from the five Island towns that have a fishery. And if the predictions from shellfish...
Down at the Menemsha docks on an early October evening, a regular is out casting into the harbor. He’s dressed for the occasion in red rubber boots...
There is always tough competition at the The Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby which these days attracts close to 3,000 fishermen....
