Oak Bluffs was recently denied FEMA funding for repairs, in part because the majority of the bluff is owned by the East Chop Association. The road is...
The town selectmen presented a certificate of appreciation to the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) Tuesday for the rare gift of environmental...
Town office administrator Alice Butler, who edits and prepares the report each year, was commended by the selectmen for her efforts.
Town selectmen approved a request from the shellfish committee to add personnel hours, but balked at adding an entirely new employee to the...
Martha’s Vineyard Democrats meet to discuss key issues for candidates to consider in upcoming 2014 elections. The meeting is on Saturday, Dec. 14,...
The long-discussed bypass road system off the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road was rejected for a third time Tuesday during a well-attended special town...
Reduced funding for a new piling project in Menemsha harbor was approved. A new floor for the community center will wait for another day. The meeting...
New pilings for Menemsha harbor, a new office for the harbor master and a new wood floor for the Chilmark Community Center are all decisions for...
The smallest town on the Vineyard may soon get a bit smaller. Chilmark and Aquinnah are considering changing a shared boundary line for the first...
The longstanding issue of whether to build a connector road will come before Tisbury voters again at a special town meeting next week, this time in...
The long-term viability and environmental sustainability of a public-private improvement project proposed for Squibnocket Beach were subjects for...
Edgartown’s tax rate will increase slightly in 2014, with the town selectmen this week approving a tax rate of $3.70 for every $1,000 worth of...
