The longstanding issue of whether to build a connector road will come before Tisbury voters again at a special town meeting next week, this time in...
The long-term viability and environmental sustainability of a public-private improvement project proposed for Squibnocket Beach were subjects for...
Edgartown’s tax rate will increase slightly in 2014, with the town selectmen this week approving a tax rate of $3.70 for every $1,000 worth of...
West Tisbury selectmen this week set the annual tax rate and discussed the status of the town solar project. At a public hearing on Wednesday, the...
The oldest fishing shack in Menemsha is now under the stewardship of the town of Aquinnah, at least for the short term. The Aquinnah selectmen voted...
With virtually no discussion, the regional high school district committee voted Monday to certify an $18.6 million operating budget for the coming...
Four Vineyard applicants are among 100 finalists in the race to open medical marijuana dispensaries across the state. Two final applicants are from...
Martha's Vineyard Traffic
The Five Corners intersection took center stage at the Martha’s Vineyard Commission this week as public discussion began about potential traffic...
In a court case that takes up the issue of whether public money can be spent on historic preservation of churches, a group of Oak Bluffs residents...
Taking his victory as a mandate for more openness, the newly-elected chairman of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) vowed this week to put...
Tisbury selectmen voted to set a tax rate of $8.46 for the coming year, slightly above last year’s rate of $8.01. And after discussion at the public...
The Aquinnah fire chief said this week that public safety concerns in the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) tribal housing community have been...
