I wish to respond to the points raised in what I will call Schlesinger’s Lament on the editorial page of the August 21 issue of the Gazette. I live...
This letter goes out to the wonderful people who were on the Great Rock Bight beach on August 13. My husband and I are extremely lucky to have had...
I am a seasonal resident of West Chop and a rest-of-the-year resident of Manhattan. Each day on Martha’s Vineyard I bike the 20-mile loop from West...
Given the controversy over the Zoia property on Quitsa Pond, it was to be expected that Ken Iscol and others would write letters taking strong...
In your August 10 issue, you ran a piece by David Handlin (Building a Better Big House Debate), the architect of the 12,000-plus-square-foot...
I will not comment upon architect David Handlin’s patronizing tone and cheap cliches as those have both been eloquently debunked in other letters....
I had a good laugh reading David Handlin’s op-ed about his controversial trophy home on Quitsa Pond, my old home. Evidently we are now to compare...
David Handlin, have you no shame? How presumptuous, maybe delusional, of you to put yourself in the same shoes as some of the great masters of modern...
I found architect David Handlin’s letter published on August 10 in defense of building enormous homes on the Vineyard specious on many fronts....
I’m outraged by David Handlin’s letter which was published in the Gazette on August 10. Instead of thoughtfully engaging in the actual debate, his...
We are seasonal residents of Aquinnah. Our home sits on a rise overlooking Vineyard Sound and the Elizabeth Islands. We have always been curious...
The weather was perfect, the view was spectacular and the food was amazing as we welcomed a sell-out crowd to our seventh annual Meals in the Meadow...
