When I moved to the Vineyard in 1970, about to have a baby, I thought it time to get back to my roots and I had no idea where to start.
I am a slave to tradition and the queen of repetition at the same time.
I’m disappointed with hyacinths. A few years ago I planted a shocking amount of them in all different colors.
Monday afternoon was particularly nice. The sun came out and crocuses and daffodils were blooming their little heads off above the snow cover.
The beautiful weather raised my level of anxiety somewhat. I wandered around looking for signs of life in the perennial beds.
I have a tiny resentment about the beautiful weather. Wait, let me explain.
We have had a series of wonderful days, and for February even. I have been doing a bit of heavy work to prepare this aging body for spring.
What a week. Last Sunday we woke up to below zero and by Tuesday it was almost 60 degrees and I had crocuses blooming all over the place.
From Garrison Keillor: “Cheer up. Make yourself useful. Mind your manners. Avoid self pity.”
It is a bit challenging to come up with gardening comments after a couple of major blizzards. Bear with me.
Don’t get me wrong. I could not be happier, personally, for our non-winter. We have to admit, however, it is rather odd.
I thoroughly enjoyed last weekend’s storm. I was able to pick quite a bit of food from my garden before the snow started.
