I received the AARP magazine in the mail. Now there is a publication I never thought I would receive, much less enjoy.
I think my brain exits my body through a pen. Every time I write something down it is gone forever from my mind.
I hate to complain about the weather when it has been positively beautiful for the past week or so. I need rain. I know you nongardeners out there...
I wonder when Decoration Day turned into Memorial Day? As a child, I believe it was used interchangeably. I thought of geraniums and cemeteries.
It is awfully early in the gardening year to be facing discouragement. I leave flats of perfectly beautiful seedlings sitting here and there.
Wonders will never cease. I had some seeds kicking around from 2008. They were stored in less than ideal conditions.
There is so much talk around energy consumption these days. It is hard to know whom to believe. We know we want to cut back our addiction to foreign...
Michael A. Dirr is the man to whom we refer concerning all things trees and shrubs.
It’s happened again. I’ve seeded too many flats, taken on too much work and ordered too many potatoes.
It is astonishing how rapidly spring progresses once it finally starts. It seems the lawns and fields have greened-up overnight.
My friend, the late Helen McGrath of Oak Bluffs, used to offer up three bits of advice. Affectionately known as Nurse Helen, she was endlessly...
Every bit of garden advice I give is a result of painful experience. I have learned everything the hard way.
