Friday night’s full moon will have a more than the usual influence on our tides.
The day-old first quarter moon appears low in the southern sky Friday night.
A thin crescent moon low in the southwestern sky opens the weekend.
The two brightest planets appear as a tight pair low in the southwestern sky for the coming week.
All five of the the visible planets are holding an assembly tonight and through the coming week.
Don’t let anyone say you missed the Perseid Meteor Shower.
Friday night, if the skies are clear, you’ve got a lot to see in the west, an hour after sunset.
This is the best time of year to take up astronomy as a hobby. Sit outside at night in an old beach chair and look up.
Sun sets in the west over the Menemsha buoy.
The brilliant planet Venus is making a comeback.
Friday night’s gibbous moon appears low in the southeastern sky after sunset. You’ll see it above the bright planet Saturn
A thin crescent moon appears Friday night near the bright planet Jupiter. The two are high in the western sky after sunset.
To stargazers, the Fourth of July evening will be a wonderful night. The evening opens with a fireworks display that can be watched in a lot more...
