There is a blue moon Friday but don’t go looking for a change in color. A blue moon is a full moon occurring on the last day of the month.
Warm summer nights, far cooler than daytime highs, make astronomy a pleasant hobby. One doesn’t have to put on a coat or dress in any special way....
Saturday night an assembly of beautiful celestial objects shine low in the western sky after sunset. A thin crescent moon appears next to the planet...
The summer night sky is filled with sparkling, shining and barely visible colorful stars.
Behind the rockets’ red glare, there is plenty to see Saturday night overhead.
On Sunday night, the gibbous moon appears low in the southeastern sky, near the bright star Spica.
Summer arrives on Sunday afternoon at 12:38 p.m. Summer begins for us in that moment, though the weather and the signs have been around for a while....
Nearly all the visible planets are viewable at night, shortly after sunset.
The moon still dominates our evening sky this weekend. Friday’s gibbous moon resides in the zodiacal constellation Capricornis.
The large gibbous moon passes by the ringed planet Saturn this weekend. Take a look at any time in the early evening.
The moon dominates our evening skies this weekend into next week. It first appears Friday night, crescent.
Three planets are easy to spot in the night sky, looking from west to east. They are Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.
