The one-day-old full moon appears low in our southern sky tonight. As night unfolds, the moon moves with the stars along the southern sky, from east...
The bright red planet Mars is a special guest in our evening skies. For nearly two years, the planet has been fairly faint, but right now it shines...
Tomorrow night the crescent moon and Jupiter appear together as a pair, high in the western sky after sunset. The two are in the zodiacal...
The Big Dipper is in a perfect viewing position in spring. An hour after sunset, the constellation is almost overhead.
Soon after sunset, there are two bright planets standing out among the stars.
A lunar eclipse will occur very early Tuesday morning. Over the span of several hours, the moon will fade, its light almost extinguished. At its...
The week ahead is all about Mars. Mars is nearing opposition on April 8. It has been more than two years since the last opposition, and this time the...
The moon slips into our evening sky in the coming week following New Moon on Sunday. It is moving from the zodiacal constellation Aries into Taurus....
Welcome to Spring Today is the first full day of spring. Spring arrived yesterday at 12:57 p.m. The length of our day and night is about the same and...
The red planet Mars is only a few weeks away from opposition and its brightness can not be missed. The red planet glows above the southeastern...
First Quarter Moon
This week a thin crescent moon will appear low in our southwestern sky. Those who have a clear unencumbered view of the horizon may see it Monday...
