These three planets appear close together in the early morning sky, if you are up at or before dawn and have a good view of the southeastern horizon...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº May 13 57 48 .00 May 14 62 47 .00 May 15 58 48 Trace May 16 68 51 .52 May 17 57 50 .50 May...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº May 6 60 42 .00 May 7 66 51 .00 May 8 65 46 .00 May 9 59 49 .00 May 10 62 47 .03 May 11 52...
The ringed planet, Saturn, is easy to spot rising in the eastern sky after sunset tonight, near the gibbous moon. The planet resides in the zodiacal...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº April 29 64 51 .39 April 30 69 50 Trace May 1 60 41 .00 May 2 58 37 .00 May 3 65 49 .00 May...
There is a good chance to see a shooting star if you are up and outside tonight, and even more likely if you are outside in the early hours of...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº April 22 60 38 April 23 53 39 April 24 57 45 0.39 April 25 64 49 0.04 April 26 62 49 Trace...
The morning sky is loaded with planets. For those who rise well before the sun, say 4 a.m., there is a show of planets hovering in the southeastern...
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº April 15 58 40 T April 16 49 35 April 17 53 42 .38 April 18 57 42 T April 19 58 45 April...
The Lyrid meteor shower is tonight. For those who love to sit out on a still night and watch shooting stars, tonight is the first big opportunity for...
Permissions Error: VGML file not readable: /web/mvgazette/sites/default/files/mvgazette_archive/GO/VGML/2011/04/22/ml_vskies_4_15_11.vgml
Temperature: Precip. Day Max. Min. Inches. Fº Fº April 8 50 28 .00 April 9 50 28 .00 April 10 53 32 .00 April 11 58 39 .01 April 12...
