What do turkey and tennis have in common? Chew on that for awhile and then get yourself to the Turkey Open on Saturday, Nov. 15, beginning at noon at...

Thirty bushels of bay scallops were given to local shuckers with a stipulation: they could keep half the load if they shuck the other half for...

Rainy weather and a slippery, muddy field made little difference to the Vineyard boys’ soccer players Thursday night, as a hat trick by the team’s...

Sports travel for an Island school takes what is already a complicated endeavor — ensuring that hundreds of student athletes and their coaches get...

Rasmus Sayre, a senior at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, took home the championship title in the Kona One class on Wednesday, after five...

The week of Halloween proved to be action-packed with great contests across the board for Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School athletes.
