Hidden under scrub oak, among beer bottles, rusty lobster pots and piles of clam shells is a cemetery of forgotten souls. Only a few stones still remain, one which marks the death of young man who died at sea and was buried here along the Lagoon Pond marsh.
The Edgartown cemetery commission is awaiting a recommendation from the town’s labor counsel on disciplinary action against cemetery superintendent Jennifer Morgan, following a two and a half-hour hearing Tuesday.
The old Luce Cemetery on the shore of Noman’s Land is at risk of being washed into the sea, and some of the graves may need to be moved farther inland, a representative from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said this week.
Two bids came in over the amount appropriated by voters last spring. The town selectmen said this week they will now take steps to replace only part of the fence.
History is hidden all over the Vineyard. Forgotten gravesites still turn up in backyards. Graves are often discovered when homeowners embark on renovations, or casually turn over a stone that’s always been on the property, finding on the other side a small record of a life once lived.