Vineyard Gazette
Since our last issue many stirring events have transpired.
Vineyard Gazette
A new town has been added to Dukes County; the act establishing the town of Gosnold, embracing the Elizabeth Islands, heretofore a part of Chilmark, having been signed by the Governor and become a law. - Mercury.
Vineyard Gazette
The London Shipping Gazette of Sept. 27, contains the following report made by the British ship Cairngorm, at London from Sydney:  
Vineyard Gazette
The Selectmen of this town have granted a license to Mr. Peter West to plant, grow and dig oysters, in a certain part of Squash Meadow Pond, for 20 years. We are glad to hear this.
Vineyard Gazette
On Wednesday the Court of County Commissioners for Dukes, met at the Selectmen’s Room in the Town Hall. Hon. Thomas H. Lambert, having taken the customary oath, took his seat with the board.
Vineyard Gazette
Notice to Mariners. - The new light at Gay Head will be exhibited at sunset on December 1st, 1856, and will be kept burning during every night thereafter from sunset to sunrise.
Vineyard Gazette
The submarine cable which is henceforth to connect us with the world, was safely and expeditiously put down on Wednesday forenoon last, between the hours of ten and twelve.
Vineyard Gazette
MR. EDITOR: - I have for some years past been a close observer of the facilities of the western part of our Island, for manufacturing brick and pottery, in their various branches.
Vineyard Gazette
We learn from Samuel Flanders, Esq., that a light house is to be erected at Gay Head the coming fall. It is to be located about five or six rods back of the present one.
The Vineyard Gazette
THE NEW COUNTY ROAD, between Edgartown and Holmes Hole, is in a good state of forwardness; that portion lying within the Tisbury boundary, we believe, is entirely completed.
Vineyard Gazette
Last season Osborn’s wharf, at the foot of Main street, which had for some time been much out of repair, was rebuilt in a very substantial manner. This summer the wharf belonging to Messrs.
Vineyard Gazette
As the faithful chronicler of important events affecting the welfare of our Island, you will give space, I know, to a brief notice of an occurrence which took place on the 6th inst. On the morning of Wednesday we broke loose from the seclusion of home, and the pressure of care, and leaving the roar of old ocean behind us, we journeyed across hill and dale amid the luxuriant beams of a genial sun, to the retired but picturesque village of West Tisbury.
