Yay, the school buses are back. I hope all our kids and teachers had a great week off.
The sound of school buses not stopping at my corner twice a day this week is deafening. I miss it so. I am sure our kids are enjoying their week off.
Two snowstorms in one week! My turkey friends came along in a flock of 22 after the first snowfall.
Exciting news for our food options. Chef Carlos Montoya and Sheenagh Caridi have purchased our beloved Little House restaurant.
I have a great idea of how you can spend next Monday, rather than in front of television watching the presidential inauguration.
Some requests have entered my news that I put before you. Our good friend, Jakob Burton-Sundman, has returned to his home on Island after some medical and rehabilitation work off-Island.
Thank you to all who made a valiant effort to keep the Island Cup on the Vineyard.
Since next week is the big day, here is my Thanksgiving story.