Sure, it was hot Tuesday, so much so that the Thrift Shop had a sign up — Too Hot! Closing at 4 p.m. today. Still, it has been a remarkably mild summer. And now we get our Island beaches back!
So the fair came and went in beautiful weather. Do you remember those awful past days when the fair was only three days long?
I started on Friday night with the Chicken Alley fashion show. Nonna has forbidden me to bring anything else home. Don’t tell her there is an orange leather winter coat hidden in the boot of my truck.
The death of Ed Colligan will be remembered as our greatest loss, summer of 2014. Ed died at home last week. We Tisburians, and, in fact, so many the Island over, have lost a true friend.
I want to thank my friends and family who held an impromptu barbecue for my birthday last Sunday. Tamma Willoughby outdid herself with making green salad, potato salad, hamburgers and hotdogs.
It seems my neighborhood in Vineyard Haven has gotten just as busy as my old ‘hood in Manhattan. I saw a large group on Walter and Gail Burke’s deck and nothing would do but for me to cross the street and get the scoop. Walter, Gail and I are still friends although we were on opposing sides in the Rupert the Rooster controversy. As luck would have it, 7-year-old grandson Ernesto was visiting with his mom, Megan Burke. Ernesto and Megan live in Nicaragua so this was a month-long stay.
I had to go off-Island for two days and found myself in Falmouth with no return reservation. I easily found a parking spot on Main street, went into several fashionable shops, bought some plastic lobsters and a new wardrobe that says Cape Cod.
The skies certainly opened up in the wee hours of Wednesday. One of my dogs got as close to my head on my left shoulder as she could and tried to crawl in my ear canal.
Holding the Fourth of July on the Fifth of July really worked out well for us, didn’t it? By Saturday, the parade seemed even more festive, the fireworks even more brilliant.