Remember to stop by our Avenue of Flags at the Oak Grove cemetery on Friday to see the beautiful display to honor all our veterans. Join us to remove the flags at 3 p.m.
In other Island news: the roundabout? Fuggedaboutit.
How dare she? How dare she? Dolly Campbell retiring from the Thrift Shop? That’s like a day without sunshine. Well, the rest of the staff is excellent, so we’ll just have to make do. A big party was held in her honor last Friday evening at the Thrift Shop. Next stop, New Zealand!
Martha Dunham’s sisters, Pat and Nancy of Northampton, spent last week visiting Martha and the whole big family on Island. The ladies shopped, toured, visited, gossiped, cooked, played cards and quilted together. I’ll bet they even ate some of that applesauce Martha put up last month.
Who knew? There, on my favorite television show, Jeopardy, was Al and Flo Koster’s son Joe last Friday and Monday nights. Joe did quite well and was a pleasure to see, I don’t think I’ve seen him for twenty years. What fun.
For those in the know: Rupert has left the building. I can say no more. Long live Rupert!
Bill and Jan Stokes’ Island home was visited this week by son Wes Stokes, his friend Julia Kovach, and her talented two-year-old, Olivia. The young group shopped, beached, and Wes did a lot of fishing, his favorite pastime. I hope they return soon, the weather has been so accommodating.